Thursday 09.09.
12:00 - 12:30

Weekly Lunchtime Tours in English at noon

Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús

Weekly lunchtime tours on Thursdays in July and August throughout the exhibition Iðavöllur at Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús.

Fourteen Icelandic artists show their newest works. They represent a generation who deals with increased speed, more flow of information, blurry borders, fluctuating gender, changes in communications, new technology – all while still remembering the way it used to be. In a sense, they are experiencing the end of the world and contributing to a new beginning.

Note: New entrance to Hafnarhús! Enter through the courtyard – from Naustin (between Hafnarhús and Tollhús).

Weitere Termine
Menningarkort Reykjavíkur er árskort sem veitir ótakmarkaðan aðgang að söfnum í eigu Reykjavíkurborgar auk margvíslegra fríðinda og sérkjara.