Saturday 28.05.
14:00 - 16:00

Ungliðahreyfingin býður upp á skiltagerð vegna mótmæla

Ungliðahreyfing Íslandsdeildar Amnesty International býður ungu fólki að taka þátt í skiltagerð vegna mótmæla sem fara munu fram á Austurvelli 16:15 næstkomandi laugardag.

Skiltagerð fer fram í Andrými kl. 14, laugardaginn 28. maí.


The youth movement of the Icelandic branch of Amnesty International invites young people to take part in sign making for the protest that will take place at Austurvöllur at 16:15 next Saturday.

Sign making takes place in Andrými at 14:00, on Saturday May 28th.

Andrými (ical)
Andrými is a combination of two words: “and” and “rými”. The “and” means breathe, spirit, opposition, and “rými” means space. This is the ical version